NSCC survey shows accident rates fall in specialist sector
The results from the 2011/12 accident survey carried out by the National Specialist Contractor’s Council
(NSCC) show that the NSCC fatality rate has fallen by 50%, the major injury rate by 43% and the over 3-
day rate by 60% since NSCC started collecting accident information nine years ago.
Last year, the NSCC fatal injury rate was 1.8 per 100,000 workers compared with the industry rate of 2.3
per 100,000 workers as reported by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). The NSCC major injury rate
was 204.1 per 100,000 workers and the over 3-day injury rate was 496.0 per 100,000 workers, which fell by 22% from 2010/11.
Almost half of all accidents occurring to NSCC Specialist Contractors resulted from either handling, lifting
and carrying or slip and trips, which is consistent with all industries in the UK, including construction.
All NSCC member organisations provided information as part of the latest annual survey, which included
more than 2,300 businesses, demonstrating the continued importance placed by the specialist sector on
benchmarking and improving health and safety in the workplace. The size of the workforce covered by
the survey increased to over 112,000 operatives compared to 98,000 in 2010/11, which indicates that
employment levels within the specialist sector have stabilised.
NSCC Chief Executive Suzannah Nichol MBE said: “Construction is a high risk industry but the success of the Olympic Delivery Authority in delivering the Olympic Park with no fatalities and a below average accident rate proves that, if we make health and safety on site a priority, we can successfully reduce the number of accidents that occur. By collating accident information from the specialist sector, NSCC is able to identify trends and tailor the guidance and support available to members to reduce the risk of similar accidents recurring in the future.”
From 6 April 2012, the HSE extended the period before an injury needs to be reported under RIDDOR
from over three days to over seven days and the NSCC accident survey for 2012/13 will be updated