Aquapanel Exterior speeds construction at Marlborough Park
A £23 million showpiece development in south west England is under construction using Knauf Aquapanel Exterior from Knauf Drywall to provide a swiftly installed, weatherproof envelope that is also an attractive façade.
MarlboroughParknearSwindonis a development by Places for People on the site of the former Burmah Castrol HQ. It consists of 204 properties including 36 houses, 168 apartments and 14 flats over-garages. The bulk of these are of timber frame construction with a masonry façade that is then rendered but main contractor, Wates Living Space, needed a robust weatherproof board that could be rendered in the areas where there was no blockwork, such as around dormers and the stepped wall areas above the roof line.
The Aquapanel Exterior Cement Board was installed by joinery contractors A1 Carpentry Services of Bristol. It was rendered by E & H Drylining of Melksham in Wiltshire. In total 1,500 m2 of Knauf Aquapanel Exterior Cement Board was used together with Knauf Aquapanel Exterior stainless steel screws.