Home Product News BBA certification helps to facilitate new product launch at Ecobuild

The British Board of Agrément (BBA), the independent product accreditation body, helped facilitate the rapid accreditation of a range of cavity insulation board to ensure its successful launch at Ecobuild 2016.
In the space of just four months, the BBA was able to issue two Agrément Certificates to Kingspan Insulation, the manufacturers of insulation products and systems. The company required BBA approval for two new products, Kingspan Kooltherm K106 and K108 Cavity Board, which boast an lambda thermal performance of 0.018  W·m–1·K–1.In order to showcase the products with the all-important BBA accreditation at Ecobuild, careful planning and the collaboration of the BBA’s expert assessors were required to significantly speed up the approval process.

Adrian Pargeter, head of technical at Kingspan Insulation, said: “To make sure that the certification was in place for a full launch at Ecobuild we had to liaise with the BBA at quite a high level. They made certain that the bulk of the evidence we needed to prove the product’s lambda performance was provided up front.”

The result of the joint communication between the BBA and Kingspan Insulation ensured that both Kingspan Kooltherm products premiered at Ecobuild, which attracted more than 40,000 visitors from the construction industry to London’s Excel Arena.

Testing has played an integral role in Agrément Certification since the BBA was formed 50 years ago. It implements a wide range of bespoke and individual assessments, covering 40 different product areas within the construction industry.

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