Home Product News Best practice partitioning guide

A new guide designed to offer guidance, rather than being used as a definitive technical manual, the Best Practice Guide: Installation of Partitioning has been developed by Association of Interior Specialists (AIS) to help set the standard for high quality installations.

Splitinto sections, the guide covers everything from the initial tendering and planning stages through to the eventual installation. It offers a series of points to consider when carrying out the installation of all types of partitioning systems, up to a height of 3.6 metres.

Commenting on the new guide, Malcolm Stamper, marketing manager at SAS International, said: “We’ve seen a 21 per cent increase in the demand for our fully glazed partitioning systems for the commercial environment. The demand is being driven, in part, due to the popularity of open and transparent working environments. The guide will help facilitate installation of these popular solutions for modern offices.”

The publication can be download FOC click here