Home Product News External wall insulation improves energy performance of Gosport homes

External wall insulation on Wallcoatings Ltd projectGosport-based subcontractor Wallcoatings is installing External Wall Insulation (EWI) on more than 400 homes in Gosport in Hampshire in a contract worth £3.7 million.

Wetherby’s Epsiwall system was specified as the most effective solution for the Wimpey No-Fines properties. The insulation comprised 90mm EspiTherm insulation board, which was rendered with a 1.5mm white silicone finish, providing a uniform look that complemented the existing neighbouring homes.

Contractors Wallcoatings Ltd, tasked with installing the EWI, were required to create bespoke trim detailing on several of the properties to cater for the increased insulation needed around the verge trims and gable ends.

The installation of EWI to the Gosport homes  has led to wall U-Value falling from 2.10 W/m2K to 0.30 W/m2K.

Wetherby Building Systems identified that the solid wall houses would benefit from new insulation. Wetherby negotiated funding from one of the major energy companies for an initial 420 properties to have external wall insulation (EWI) installed as the primary measure, along with loft insulation where relevant. The fully funded ECO project has allowed the homeowners to each receive £9,000 worth of energy efficient measures installed at no cost to themselves.