FPDC and AIS mover closer to unity
FPDC – the Federation of Plastering and Drywall Contractors and the Association of Interior Specialists (AIS) have announced that they will be seeking members’ approval to proceed with their proposed merger during October 2013.
The joint working party established by FPDC and AIS has reached broad agreement on a merger which it believes offers tangible benefits to members of both organisations. The proposal will be brought before the two association boards in September with a view to taking the merger proposition to a member vote in October. If members of both organisations vote in favour , it is hoped to complete the merger in January 2014.
FPDC President Angela Mansell said: “That greater collaboration was a requirement for the future of the industry and it was right that the two major sector trade associations lead that process.”
AIS President Jonathan Cherry welcomed the proposal saying: “The whole sector will see the benefit of a larger organisation to represent them. “