Home Product News Healthcare projects use PVCu beads from Renderplas

Renderplas PVCu beading at Murray hospital

More than 17,000 metres of Renderplas PVCu beads are part of high performance external rendering systems for three major Scottish healthcare contracts, including the award-winning Muirview mental health unit for NHS Fife.

Renderplas PVCu beading at Murray hospital

A variety of beading solutions from Renderplas’ external range have been used by rendering specialists, Muirfield Contracts of Dundee, with spray-applied render systems from leading manufacturers.

Renderplas was recommended for the projects by Muirfield as a durable, low maintenance solution that does not corrode if beads become exposed over time – a common failing of metal beading.

Muirfield’s rendering team finds Renderplas PVCu beads safe and simple to use on site, says the company’s contracts’ estimator Bill Morrison: “As well as offering a reliable, value for money alternative to stainless steel beads, Renderplas profiles are quick and easy to cut to length and fix, which saves us time and labour costs on site.”