Home Product News Lafarge Plasterboard achieves ‘very good’ for responsible sourcing

Lafarge Plasterboard has achieved ‘Very Good’ under BRE Global’s BES 6001 Responsible Sourcing certificate, having been upgraded from its previous ‘Good’ rating, awarded in June 2011 which made the company the UK’s first plasterboard producer to achieve certification.

The accreditation, which will help Lafarge Plasterboard’s customers to attract additional credits under BREEAM and the Code for Sustainable Homes, supports the industry’s ambitions for more sustainable practice across the entire supply chain.

Steve Hemmings, sustainability manager at Lafarge Plasterboard comments: “Our practices and products impact our customers and, ultimately, the projects they are working on, so we’re committed to taking responsible decisions within our supply chain.

“Achieving ‘Very Good’ is a mark of our pioneering work in this area, and will give our customers confidence that we’re using raw materials that fit with their ambitions for responsible construction, helping them to meet exacting sustainability requirements.”

To achieve BES 6001, Lafarge Plasterboard has demonstrated responsible practices in managing its supply chain and compliance with a range of strict criteria relating to environmental and social issues such as recycling, transportation, emissions and minimising use of raw materials.

One of the main reasons for achieving ‘Very Good’ status was the increased collaboration that the company has undertaken with its suppliers over the past year.  93 per cent of the raw materials procured by the manufacturer are now sourced from companies with ISO14001 certification, which covers performance in environmental management.

For more information on the Lafarge Plasterboard Responsible Sourcing Policy and Environmental performance, please go to www.lafarge.co.uk The upgraded BES6001 certificate may be downloaded from the same address or www.greenbooklive.com