Marley’s Blueclad features on new primary school
Marley Eternit’s Bluclad render board has been installed at Ordsall Primary School in Nottinghamshire, where it was used to create a striking finish on a new school building.
The calcium silicate Bluclad render board offers superior dimensional stability, creating a lasting seamless finish for the new classroom block.
Specialist contractors, Aumas Ltd, chose Bluclad for Ordsall Primary School having used it on a number of projects in the past where they were impressed with its performance and ease of installation.
Bluclad can be used with a variety of thin coat polymeric renders, textured finishes and other surface coatings and its outstanding dimensional stability reduces substrate movement that can result in surface cracks.
Mat Thomas from Aumas Ltd explained: “We chose Bluclad for this project because it offers superior quality yet it’s extremely cost effective. It’s also quick and easy to install, making it ideal for the new classroom block at Ordsall Primary as we were working to strict timescales for completion of the build.”
Bluclad is factory hydrophobised, which means that it can be exposed to weather without rendering for up to four weeks. Available with a full range of accessories, boards can be used with other systems and therefore contractors are not tied to one particular method.
Bluclad is a flat, Class 0 and EN13501-1 fire performance building board and has an installed life expectancy of at least 50 years. It is 100 per cent recyclable.
Available in a standard 10mm thickness, Bluclad has a smooth surface on the front and is textured on the reverse. The textured face is for thin coat polymeric renders.
The cement render used on the new building at Ordsall Primary School was complimented by a brick plinth and powder coated aluminium windows. The building was commissioned by the school to cope with the increased numbers of primary school pupils.
Latest reports from the National Audit Office warn that an extra 256,000 school places will be required inEnglandandWalesby 2014. High quality render boards such as Bluclad will continue to play a part in ensuring that these new buildings become available for teaching at the earliest opportunity.
For further information on Bluclad visit