Womble Bond Dickinson

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The country started 2021 in lockdown and once unleashed from restrictions the economy began to recover at pace, however, supply chain...
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Against a backdrop of continued uncertainty due to the ongoing impact of the coronavirus pandemic, and as the UK  exit from the European Union,...
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The focus on Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) has sharpened throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, with commentators considering whether offsite manufacturing can offer a way...

The construction industry has been hit hard by COVID-19, with large numbers of sites shutting and many workers being furloughed – but over recent...

It's not often that a construction lawyer has cause to consider the world of football but Lisa Dromgoole, managing associate at law firm
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Construction introduced its response to working with COVID-19 when it published the Coronavirus Site Operating Procedures in March so that work could continue during...
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In June 2019 the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government (MHCLG) issued a consultation paper entitled Building a Safer Future: Proposals for Reform...
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Simon Lewis, a partner in the Construction and Engineering team at Womble Bond Dickinson, looks closely at the recently published and first-of-its-kind National Infrastructure...

Delay is common in construction projects and the source of many construction disputes. Helen Coxon, a chartered legal executive with Womble Bond Dickinson, looks...

The construction sector is in the grips of a skills shortage which is limiting construction activity and increasing labour costs at the same time....