Home Product News Take inspiration from Saint-Gobain Weber

Saint-Gobain Weber has introduced the first volume of its Inspirational 
Render Guide.

Created for architects, designers, house developers and contractors, the new guide features many current projects in which Saint-Gobain Weber’s render solutions and systems – which include external wall insulation, monocouche renders and synthetic finishes – have been specified and used.

Saint-Gobain Weber’s render products, including the only BRE A+ Green Guide rated, through-coloured weber.pral M and D monocouche renders, are proving popular with developers and applicators, with One-Coat Technology contributing to shorter application and on-site programmes.  This enhanced specification technology is also used in the versatile BBA and Energy Saving Trust accredited weber.therm XP External Wall Insulation system which provides greatly improved thermal performance, contributing to reduced carbon emissions and energy costs, while simultaneously providing stunning but robust low maintenance finishes.

For further information visit www.netweber.co.uk